Using Magic Folder

Magic-Folder is used in two ways.

The first way is to interact with the running daemon (including its configuration) is via the magic-folder command line tool (which uses the HTTP API). The following sections detail different subcommands available. For additional information see Magic Folder CLI design. See Configuration Storage for more on how configuration is kept.

The second way is to interact with content, use your normal filesystem-based tools. The folder which Magic-Folder synchronizes is a normal folder in the filesystem. This directory (and all sub-directories) are scanned for changes periodically.

We think of participants in the system as “devices”. A single human may control many devices (in case they are synchronizing files between them, for example). It is possible that a magic-folder setup serves just a single human or it may serve many. Each human may have one or many devices. When we talk about “an author” below (equivalent to the --author CLI option, usally) this means a single device. A single human may control many “authors”.


You must have one or more Tahoe-LAFS client nodes (usually each one on a different computer) configured; magic-folder uses these to store objects.

The clients must be able to reach their configured storage nodes.

The client nodes must all share the same set of storage nodes.

The nodes must be running.

Creating a Magic Folder Daemon Configuration

The “Magic Folder Daemon” is a long-running process that accomplishes the task of synchronizing all the “magic folders” that are configured in it.

A Magic Folder Daemon needs to have some configuration to start. There are two ways to create this: from scratch; or from a “legacy” magic-folder (when magic-folder was a sub-command of tahoe in version 1.14.0 and earlier).

No matter the method used, there are some pieces of information required and two decisions to be made. You need to know:

  • the node-directory of the Tahoe-LAFS client this magic folder daemon shall use.

You need to decide:

  • The network endpoint the API will listen on. This is how CLI commands and front-ends communicate to the magic-folder daemon and is expressed as a Twisted “server endpoint string”. For example, tcp:4321:interface=localhost to listen locally on port 4321.

  • If you wish to specify where to store the configuration. By default it will be in an appropriate location for your OS (like ~/.config/magic-folder on Debian).

To create a magic folder daemon configuration from scratch:

$ magic-folder init --config ./foo --listen-endpoint tcp:4321:interface=localhost --node-directory ./tahoe-client

This will store configuration in ./foo; listen on localhost port 4321 for API commands; and talk to the Tahoe-LAFS client in ./tahoe-client (which must itself be running).

To create a magic folder daemon configuration by migrating an existing Tahoe-LAFS-based magic-folder, do:

$ magic-folder migrate --config ./foo --listen-endpoint tcp:4321:interface=localhost --node-directory ./tahoe-client --author alice

The main difference is the --author argument. This is required when creating signing keys for each configured magic-folder that is migrated over to the new daemon. Note that the Tahoe-LAFS configuration (./tahoe-client in the example) will be left alone.

From now on, we will assume there is a valid magic folder daemon configuration in ./foo. This is usually provided to all sub-commands like so: magic-folder --config ./foo <subcommand>. The default location is used if --config is not specified.

Running a Magic Folder process

Our magic folder daemon has a configuration location so now it can be started. It must be running for most of the other magic-folder commands to work as they use the API.

$ magic-folder --config ./foo run

Remember that the Tahoe-LAFS node which the daemon uses to upload and download items from the Grid must also be running.

When run, the configuration directory will be checked for a running.process file. This file contains the PID and start-time of the magic-folder process. The file is deleted on exit. Upon startup, if the file exists and the PID points to a running process a new process will refuse to start. This is because running two daemons on the same configuration is not supported and will lead to undefined behavior or corruption of the state.

Creating Magic Folders

A new magic folder is added using the magic-folder add command.

$ magic-folder --config ./foo add --author alice-laptop --name example ~/Documents

There are some other options that can be specified. The above will create a new magic-folder named example (we could decide differently with --name docs for example). Any changes we make locally will be signed as alice-laptop. Files from other devices are downloaded into ~/Documents and any files we add or change in that local directory will be uploaded. Note that deleting a file in ~/Documents will record a new “deleted” version in Tahoe Grid and not actually remove data.

It is also possible to specify --poll-interval to control how often the daemon will check for updates if the default seems wrong.

This device will be the administrator for a magic folder created in this manner (that is, only this device can invite new participants).

See magic-folder create --help for specific usage details.

Listing Magic Folders

Existing magic folders can be listed using the magic-folder list command:

$ magic-folder --config ./foo list
This client has the following magic-folders:
    location: /home/alice/Documents
   stash-dir: /home/alice/foo/example/stash
      author: alice-laptop (public_key: KSYPPXN3HTCSEJC56RRYXDEO2TZX5LO743Q3E2M7NA7UP2W3OK2A====)
     updates: every 60s

To get JSON output, pass --json. You can include sensitive secret information by passing --include-secret-information flag. Someone who obtains this information can impersonate this device and participate as it in the magic folder (if they also gain access to the Tahoe-LAFS Grid being used).

Inviting Participant Devices

A new participant device is invited to collaborate on a magic folder using the magic-folder invite command. This produces an “invite code” which is a one-time code. This code should be communicated securely to the invitee. The code will allow the invitee’s device to establish a connection to this device and exchange details. Thus, the code can only be used while this device is connected to the Internet. The code may only be used once, for a single invitee.

$ magic-folder --config ./foo invite --folder example device-name

An invitation code is created using an existing magic folder (--folder example above). The magic-folder identified must have been created on this device (that is, this device is the admin).

You may invite a --mode read-only or --mode read-write device, which controls whether it can include new versions of files or not.

Once the invitee runs magic-folder join (see below) the two devices will connect and exchange some information; this will complete the invitation. The “invite” command won’t exit until the invitee has actually completed and will print out some details.

Invites are valid until the magic-folder daemon stops running or until the default number of minutes pass (whichever is sooner).

More details about the invite protocol are in How invites work.

Joining a Magic Folder

A participant device accepts an invitation using the magic-folder join command:

$ magic-folder --config ./foo join $INVITECODE /home/bob/Documents/Shared

The first argument required is an invitation code, as described in Inviting Participant Devices. The second argument required is the path to a local directory. This is the directory to which content will be downloaded (and from which it will be uploaded if this is a read-write invitation).

You must choose a name to identify content from this device with --author. The device which has invited you must also be connected to the internet for the invite to work: once a connection is established, the two devices exchange some information and the invite is complete.

Further options are documented in magic-folder join --help. More details about the invite protocol are in How invites work.

Leaving a Magic Folder

A participant device can reverse the action of joining a magic folder using the magic-folder leave command.

You must supply the name of the magic folder to leave with --name. Once a device has left a magic folder, further changes to files in the folder will not be synchronized. The local synchronized directory itself is not removed. All configuration and state for the magic-folder is destroyed.

Note that by default you cannot leave a folder that this device has created as it has the only copy of the write-capability which allows one to change the list of participants. If you really do want to leave such a folder you can indicate this desire and override the error with --really-delete-write-capability.

See magic-folder leave --help for details.

A quick test

If you want to test that things work as expected using a single machine, you can create two separate Tahoe-LAFS nodes, and assign corresponding magic folders with them, like so:

$ export ALICE_NODE=./grid/alice
$ export ALICE_FOLDER=./alice-sync-dir
$ export ALICE_MAGIC=./grid/alice-magic

$ export BOB_NODE=./grid/bob
$ export BOB_FOLDER=./bob-sync-dir
$ export BOB_MAGIC=./grid/bob-magic

# create magic-folder daemons and run them for alice+bob
$ mkdir -p $ALICE_FOLDER
$ mkdir -p $BOB_FOLDER
$ magic-folder init --node-directory $ALICE_NODE --listen-endpoint tcp:4000:interface=localhost --config $ALICE_MAGIC
$ magic-folder init --node-directory $BOB_NODE --listen-endpoint tcp:4001:interface=localhost --config $BOB_MAGIC
$ daemonize magic-folder --config $ALICE_MAGIC run
$ daemonize magic-folder --config $BOB_MAGIC run

# alice creates a magic-folder and invites bob
$ magic-folder --config $ALICE_MAGIC add --name example alice $ALICE_FOLDER
$ magic-folder --config $ALICE_MAGIC invite --name example bob >invitecode
$ export INVITECODE=$(cat invitecode)
$ magic-folder --config $BOB_MAGIC join --name example "$INVITECODE" $BOB_FOLDER

You can now experiment with creating files and directories in ./alice-magic and ./bob-magic. Any changes in one should be propagated to the other directory.

Note that when a file is deleted, the corresponding file in the other directory will be renamed to a filename ending in .backup. Deleting a directory will have no effect.

For other known issues and limitations, see Known Issues and Limitations.

It is also possible to run the nodes on different machines, to synchronize between three or more clients, to mix Windows and Linux clients, and to use multiple servers (as long as the Tahoe-LAFS encoding parameters are changed).